CH.89: If you were to categorize or describe the style of your artwork, what would it be and why?

AP: I would describe my art as colorful and minimal. I’m still finding my style, and have been told it’s an ongoing process.

CH.89: Where do you draw your inspiration from?

AP: I draw inspiration from nature, scandanavian design, and folk art.

CH.89: Can you talk a little bit about what your creative thought process is like when starting a new project/ piece of artwork?

AP: Sometimes I have a specific idea in my head, and other times I am making it up as I go. Most of the time, whether I have a specific idea at the beginning or not, the final result ends up looking a lot different than what I started with. 

CH.89: Is there anything in particular that you would want people to take from your artwork?

AP: It’s less of a message and more of a feeling. The art I like makes me feel happy and calm. I hope to evoke the same emotions out of my audience.

CH.89: Can you talk a little bit about your lifestyle as an artist and what that is like?

AP: It depends day to day. If I have client work, that comes first. Once that is done, I’m free to sketch or brainstorm for my own personal work.

CH.89: When starting out an artistic task, do you think it is better to have a particular direction/set plan guiding your way? Or, is it better to act on impulse and go from there?

AP: I think it depends from person to person. Some people work better with no plan, while others need a set idea for their work. Personally, either way works for me and it depends on how I’m feeling. Oftentimes what I make ends up looking very different from the image in my head. Sometimes I’ll just start with a specific color palette or shape, and go from there.

CH.89: What is one major lesson you’ve learned as an artist thus far?

AP: To enjoy the process. I know it’s overstated, but it’s so easy to get focused on the results and lose sight of why you do something in the first place.

CH.89: Do you regard personal style & taste to be of highest importance?

AP: In art, yes. Personal style is cultivated over time. Most artists start out because they have good taste. It can take some time for your work to match your level of taste. The more work you make, the closer the two become.

CH.89: What do you consider to be the hardest thing about being an artist?

AP: Remaining inspired, or moreso, being okay with not feeling inspired. There’s pressure to be always creating and going. That’s not feasible nor realistic. Downtime is good for you, and a part of the creative process. It’s okay to take a break.

CH.89: What is one thing you love about being an artist?

AP: I love the variety and freedom of my day to day. I don’t like routine, and the choice to make whatever decisions, creative and otherwise, brings me a lot of happiness.

CH.89: Is there anyone in particular, any artist’s that inspire you in any way?

AP: There are a ton! I love Agathe Singer’s work. She’s a french illustrator and always has the most amazing color palettes.

CH.89: What do you think of technology in terms of being a useful tool for artists today?

AP: I love it. Most of my work is created digitally nowadays. It’s extremely convenient, and is a great time saver. It is also great for saving money on art supplies.

CH.89: Do you think being an artist allows you to view the world differently from those who don’t follow creative paths?

AP: Yes, in many ways. It is fun to look for inspiration when I’m out in the world. It can also be fun and surprising when you find it in unexpected places.

CH.89: Do you enjoy traveling? If so, do you have a favorite city?

AP: Yes, I love travelling! It’s one of my favorite things to do. It sounds cliche, but Paris is one of my favorite cities. I love french movies and culture.

CH.89: Do you have a favorite author or book?

AP: It’s hard to choose, but anything by Cheryl Strayed is so good. She’s a writer and columnist and writes so beautifully and honestly.

CH.89: Any future goals or plans for your artwork?

AP: I’d like to get more into painting and experiment with different mediums. I’m interested in ceramics as well. It’s hard not to want to try it all!

CH.89: What does being an artist mean to you?

AP: Having fun!

CH.89: What’s the last song you listened to? 

AP: Family and Genus by Shakey Graves.

CH.89: Any last words on the aesthetic of your artwork?

AP: I hope it brings people the same joy it brings to me.


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