CH.89: If you were to categorize or describe the style of your artwork, what would it be and why? 

PPP: My medium is collage and digital transformation. Difficult to label my style, let’s say it is a mix of surrealism and realism. I think it is instantly recognizable.

CH.89: Where do you draw your inspiration from? 

PPP: At the beginning of my career from the surrealist artists, now from everything that surrounds me.

CH.89: Can you talk a little bit about what your creative thought process is like when starting a new project/ piece of artwork? 

PPP: When I do commissioned work I read the article a few times and underline the major ideas. I, then, gather all kinds of cut-outs from the many drawers in my studio where those are classified more or less. The composition can start after this. I look for more pieces if needed, I discard others, until I get the perfect composition in harmony with the article. For personal work everything is looser, I can simply start from cut-outs I like for example.

CH.89: Is there anything in particular that you would want people to take from your artwork?  

PPP: Perhaps a deep understanding of color harmony and interesting narratives. Bright and cheerful images.

CH.89: Can you talk a little bit about your lifestyle as an artist and what that is like? 

PPP: The morning is for reading, enjoying a cup of espresso, reading and answering emails, and thinking of the day to come. In the afternoon and evening I work, sometimes more reading and/or a film. I take time to go cycling, play ping-pong in parks, and occasionally travel.

CH.89: When starting out an artistic task, do you think it is better to have a particular direction/set plan guiding your way? Or, is it better to act on impulse and go from there? 

PPP: When I do commissioned work, I have a direction which is the subject of the article, otherwise, for personal work I let my imagination wander from cut-outs to cut-outs.

CH.89: What is one major lesson you’ve learned as an artist thus far? 

PPP: To last as an artist is hard work and passion.

CH.89: Do you regard personal style & taste to be of highest importance? 

PPP: It is important that it comes naturally.

CH.89: What do you consider to be the hardest thing about being an artist? 

PPP: To last.

CH.89: What is one thing you love about being an artist? 

PPP: Freedom.

CH.89: Is there anyone in particular, any artists that inspire you in any way? 

PPP: As I said earlier, the surrealist artists (Dali, Magritte, etc.), but could also be anything I’m interested in at the moment.

CH.89: What do you think of technology in terms of being a useful tool for artists today? 

PPP: Very useful to me. It is my medium.

CH.89: Do you think being an artist allows you to view the world differently from those who don’t follow creative paths? 

PPP: Everybody sees the world differently from others depending on their job, history, environment, etc. Artists have very different views from one another.

CH.89: Do you enjoy traveling? If so, do you have a favorite city? 

PPP: Yes, I do. I traveled a lot in my youth and still am. Love Europe.

CH.89: Do you have a favorite author or book? 

PPP: No, but I read a lot, essays and novels.

CH.89: Any future goals or plans for your artwork? 

PPP: A major exhibition of my most recent artworks in one of the cultural houses of the City of Montreal this summer.

CH.89: What does being an artist mean to you? 

PPP: It means doing what I love for a living.

CH.89: What’s the last song you listened to? 

PPP: “Evolution ended” by Naked Funk.

CH.89: Any last words on the aesthetic of your artwork? 

PPP: Nope.


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